How to Become Successful

I am going to be a little harsh this blog post so I apologize in advance but learning how to become successful is a very important first step for many entrepreneurs.
The statistics on the average American are scary to most, but I use them as motivation to get out of bed at 5:30 am. The average HOUSEHOLD in the U.S. Makes $56,561 a year.
Being average means being broke.
So what is the average person doing and what can we do differently in order to live a different life?
  1. The average person watches TV for 5 hours and 4 minutes a day.
  2. 57% of Americans have LESS than $1,000 in savings.
  3. 1 in 3 Americans has $0 in retirement.
  4. The average person does not know or does not care how to become successful
How to Become Successful
No matter what country you are in, the average person is lazy, broke, and chances are obese too. If you are one of those people, you’ve come to the right place.
Here are 7 steps to becoming wealthy:

1) Define Successful

What do you define success as? To me, success is $25,000/month. To others it could be six-figures, others could be to move to a better neighborhood or even just be happy.
Define what success means to you before you move on to the next step.

2) Create a Plan

This is arguably the most important part of the journey. Create a 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year plan for yourself. Keep step 1 in mind as you work on your plan.
Write your plan down. Statistic show time and time again that if you write your plan down, you are more likely to actually accomplish it. Keep your plans in a safe place that you can refer to them often. I keep mine in one of the pockets of my laptop bag.

3. Break it down

Break your one year plan into monthly increments. For example, say your 1-year goal is to increase your income by $15,000. What do you need to do each month in order to get there? Drive Uber? Mow Lawns? Start a business?
When I first started doing this years ago, my one-year goal was to make $1,000 per month online. So I broke it down month by month.
Month 1: Research/pick method
Month 2: $100/month Online
Month 3: $200/month Online
All the way down to month 12. Think of the yearly breakdown as monthly goals that will keep you motivated. You can and should refine these goals as you progress through the year.
If you’re ready, take this a step further. Break it down by week. For example, when my month 2 goal was to make $100 that month, I broke it down by week.
Month 2:
First Week: Make $25
Second Week: Make $25
Third Week: Make $25
Fourth Week: Make $25
By the end of the month, I made the $100. One week I made $15, another I made $32. You won’t his your numbers exactly but the point of the weekly/monthly goal is to keep your work on track.

4. Reflect

Towards the end of every year, find a private place you won’t be disturbed, grab a paper and pencil, and reflect on your year. Did you follow your yearly plan? How often did you meet your monthly goal?
Use this information to adjust your 3-year plan.
Now create a plan for next year broken down into monthly goals. After the first year, you will understand yourself better and be therefore able to create more detailed and realistic goals for yourself.

5. Repeat

Repeat steps 1-4 every year, increasing your numbers as the years go on.
You can use the process in every aspect of your life. I have helped friends use this for losing weight, writing a book, and for myself, making money.

Reading a “How to Become Wealthy” guide is not enough! Start right now. Take out a paper and pencil and create your plan.

Want to start making money online read our blog on 5 Ways to Make Money Online Now!